
This tab contains some selected oppotunities that our STEM team recommends students to participate in

QSYS at Univeristy of Waterloo

Discover how mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, and more combine into one of the most exciting topics
in modern science – quantum information – at the Quantum School for Young Students (QSYS). Here

National STEM Honor Society

"Our mission is to inspire innovation and recognize student excellence"
from K to Career in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Here

First Robotics Competition

First Robotics Competition is a the worlds best robotics competition for high schoolers by far. It challenges students to work as full fledged engineers
from designing, mechanical contruction, electrical work, programming to the buissness side such as financial calculations and sponsor outreach.
This link is to a local team located in Heartland. Inverse Paradox (FRC Team 1325) is a Mississauga robotics team in Ontario participating in FIRST. Here

Go ENG Girl

A free annual event organized by Canada’s top universities, Go ENG Girl offers girls in grades 7-10 the chance to learn more about engineering
through a series of fun hands-on activities and exhibits. Female undergraduate students, professional engineers and
professors take part in the day to share their stories of passion, inspiration and success. Here

University Of Toronto: Engineering Outreach

Engineering Outreach contains plenty of resources for students of all grades to learn about STEM. Such as the DEEP SUMMER ACADEMY

University Of Waterloo: EngChat | Engineering Student Ambassadors

Register for a virtual EngChat with one of our undergraduate Engineering Student Ambassadors!
You'll have the chance to talk to one of our current undergraduate Engineering students about our Engineering programs,
co-op experiences, academics and what it's like to be a student at the University of Waterloo! Here